Thursday, May 26, 2016

France: Bolivian Soccer Coaches Thrive Training French Youth

Lyon France.- Cascol Coaches Kenji Jemio and Martin Paz feeling happy after winning the championship in the French youth football .

Kenji Jemio and Martin Paz are shining internationally as the best youth soccer coaches in France. They reached the crown and achieved the champion ship, the Bolivian professional football coach took to the next level the team and excelled in the tournament.

By: Marco A. Ayllon
Nautilus Sports News
Dallas TX

Bolivian coaches Jemio Kenji Hada and Martin Paz excel as a soccer coaches in France. Last May 21, both reached a inter departmental title in front of the Cascol team, both coach football (soccer) in the city of Lyon. The two Bolivian professionals succeed in international football implementing the best strategies and helped to reach the team to play offs.

Both took a Football Management and Coaching courses in this European country. Jemio appears as head coach of the team, while the second is the assistant coach and physical trainer.

In the final compromise, in which the trainers achieved the crown, his team, Cascol, thrashed 5-0 to Limas.

"Congratulations because you won the desired trophy and reaching to the top level," wrote the fans on the Facebook site of the club.

Best players: Sabri Lamouchi, Eric Abidal and Florent Balmont came out of this team. About Bolivian coaches, it was learned that both live in the Gallic country for eight years.

Kenji Jemio has a Master’s Degree in Physical and Mental Preparation, and reached three diploma levels of professional football coach, there is a press release that highlights his career.

In addition, this year he made a new course that gave him another coaching diploma, which is already recognized by FIFA.

In the case of Martin Paz, he holds a degree in economics and political science. He finished the three levels of coaching study to achieve their diploma of amateur football coach. "Next season will make a course to achieve the same degree FIFA has its companion".

As for achievements, this is the first experience at the helm of a football team. Handlers were ratified in their positions, so both will direct the next season in the third level, the highest in the country at U-17 level.

The club specializes in the advanced soccer divisions in France.

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